As the summer is in it's dying days so Plums Lingerie begins to resemble a cardboard city! We are deluged by deliveries morning, noon and night and Tricia has to spend her days keeping the boxes down to a manageable level. Unfortunately her success is mixed and the other day I took it upon myself to give a troublesome pile a kick with my red soles, only to hear a rather miffed little grunt. Tricia had decided to take an afternoon nap in a particularly large box after her lunch time pick me up tonic. I have m
y suspicions that the "tonic" is of the gin variety!
Now the weather will be turning chillier I have been on the hunt for some hosiery to adore my lily white pins so as not to blind the public at large. It was a particularly fruitless task which filled me with angst and frustration. I left 2 department stores and Marks and Spencer in utter disgust. There is nothing else for it, Plums Lingerie is going to have to branch out from the delicious Love Me stockings and hold ups, (simply gorgeous but I think they would prove too titillating for daily wear) to provide something for all those glam professional ladies out there who find the hosiery purchasing experience as frustrating as I do.

Now the weather will be turning chillier I have been on the hunt for some hosiery to adore my lily white pins so as not to blind the public at large. It was a particularly fruitless task which filled me with angst and frustration. I left 2 department stores and Marks and Spencer in utter disgust. There is nothing else for it, Plums Lingerie is going to have to branch out from the delicious Love Me stockings and hold ups, (simply gorgeous but I think they would prove too titillating for daily wear) to provide something for all those glam professional ladies out there who find the hosiery purchasing experience as frustrating as I do.
I think Jonathan Aston and Levante will be the brands of choice. A good mix of lovely colours and elegant sophistication. Perfect for Plums Lingerie!
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