Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Media Megastardom Beckons for Miss Kitty Plum

Well I barely have had time to lay my hands on a keyboard to keep you all updated! The bra recycling campagin has made me even more sought after by the paps than ever before. Appearing on the Radio and in Gallery Magazine. Lingerie Buyer has been emailing me furiously to make sure they have a suitably glamorous head shot of me for their Kitty Plum special edition.

Last Saturday our lovely ladies from Plums and myself went around St Helier appealing to women to "Bring Us Your Bras". We have an overwhelming response and our specially designed receptical is brimming with bras!
Of course I am still amazingly busy organizing our 3rd birthday party tomorrow night. The great and the good will be in attendance and the champagne will be flowing. If you haven't received an invitation send me a little note because after all this is an exclusive event and if your name's not on the list you're not coming in.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Prima Donna Spring Summer 2010!!

It's been a busy week at Plums with Nicola from Prima Donna coming to see us with the Spring/Summer Collections for Prima Donna and Marie Jo. It's always exciting to see the new pieces and Prima Donna has come up with a youthful new range called Twist. Really pretty with a good range of 30inch backs. Thank goodness. As usual it was complete chaos, I don't think Nicola is happier than when surrounded by piles of lingerie!

Nicola did bring us a lovely surprise in the form of Andres Sarda swimwear. It was absolutely stunning and I can definitely see myself sporting it while dangling my feet off the edge of a superyacht into the azure waters of the Caribbean!

Meanwhile Robby the virtual assistant has been attempting to herd my acquatainces together for an evenings entertainment. I would have called them friends but friends would have been ever so much more co-operative and not wasted Robby's precious time with sarcastic comments or by showing off their skills in the Chinese language (unsurprisingly limited). I don't think these people have the maturity to deal with staff! Miss Liptrot has been thankfully quiet on the matter, it could push Robby over the edge and he has been such a help I wouldn't want to lose him!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Virtual Assisting

I have made a fanatstic discovery in the form of a Virtual Assistant. So awfully busy I am keeping the Empire running I was neglecting my social life. I spent so much time dealing with the begging missives from everyone desperate to see me that it was becoming ridiculous.

Kind hearted soul that I am I realised that I couldn't continue this level of neglect without causing some serious emotion damage. I have now found the perfect solution; a virtual assistant. I have engaged a charming gent from China called Robby. He's been an absolutely godsend doing lots of awfully dreary time consuming work on my website, freeing me up to meet my social obiligations. I am now deluged with invitiations now that everyone knows I can spare a little time, it may come to pass that I will have to send Robby in my place. He has already begun to organise my social engagements and I have now decided I will only liaise with close friends directly.

Robby's last communication eith me went as follows;

"Hi Katherine

When I looked over your letter I was keeping a smile on my face all the time, you are such a lovely girl and I appreciate you for trusting me so much. I have send the emails to your friends and I will tell you their reply without delay when I receive their email. Besides, the updating of item 58 is done. Feel free to tell me if you have anything else I can do for you.

Best regards


Not only is the man efficient he is clearly an excellent judge of character!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Party Time at Plums

Another exhaustingly exciting week nears the end. Mumsie has been manic in the shop, or so she leads me to believe, and I have been bustling away hiring help to lighten the load. I have engaged a virtual assistant from China, absolutely fantastic and would highly recommend. Dear Robby is probably wondering what on earth he has done to deserve such a top assignment!

I have him busying himself updating the website and manking sure it's all tickety boo so I can get on with the challenging task of organising our 3rd birthday party!!

Obviously all our lovely customers are welcome it will be on at our little boutique in Jersey on the 30th July. More details to follow. Any excuse for bubbles!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lady Gaga & Katy Perry Both Wearing Marlies Dekkers

Well I knew it wouldn't be long before Lady GaGa would be seen sporting Marlies Dekkers. The talented singer songwriter has a real eye for dramatic fashion statements. She was spotted when visiting Toronto for the well known MuchMusic video Awards. During the day GaGa was spotted at several places - including her rehearsal for the show – looking fabulous wearing a classic marliesdekkers bra from the dame de paris collection!

Katy Perry is another marliesdekkers fan and was photographed for the cover of the American magazine ‘Complex’ wearing one of the marliesdekkers bras from the fallwinter 2 2004 collection ‘fontana’. Every issue the magazine puts a different ‘complex girl’ on the cover and this time it is Katy Perry who steals the look dressed up in the theme ‘leather-clad’. And one marliesdekkers design was not enough for this stylish lady; during the cover shoot she is also wearing a corset from the 2002 collection ‘silver’. She really blows away the camera in both designs!